The Electric Connection

As a teenager I requested my own room and was given the largest area in the finished basement. It was almost like a dank little apartment closed off from the utility area which housed a half bath.

At the time I had a television the far left corner and my computer desk to the far right with a shelf of books and CD's on it. I had started to notice upstairs in the house that electronics would operate suddenly and so I spent more and more time in my room. One day I had a CD running at quite a loud volume. I began to hear some sort of second track playing that I couldn't account for. I lowered my music and the second track played louder. I suddenly heard someone scream my name at me.

Meanwhile I was frantically turning off any device I could find to quiet the now jet plane sound of jungle noises. Loud animal sounds and crickets/bugs in the floral brush. Finally I noticed that the only device still running was my computer. I turned off the speakers and the noise continued. I unplugged the whole PC and it didn't stop. At the sudden sound of a more human voice beginning to speak, I ran upstairs hysterical to my parents' room. They were shocked at my frantic state and had not heard a peep. In fact, they had been dead asleep.

It took quite a few minutes until I was brave enough to return to my room. I didn't turn my computer on again for at least 3 weeks. I tried to play the CD again to make sure it hadn't been some hidden audio track. There was nothing. In fact, the track seemed to be missing some of what I had believed was a part of the song.

I can't explain the event except to say that this home had had previous events for those living upstairs, especially children.
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