Prophetic dream of Death

My first prophetic dream occurred in 1996, six months before my father passed. I live in Godfrey, Illinois, not usually considered the psychic capital of the world.
I woke up sobbing because I had just attended his funeral in my dream. Within six months, my father was diagnosed with terminal cancer and died eight weeks later. I was "daddy's little girl," yet oddly I never dream of him.
My next prophetic dream occurred when my mother came to me and just repeated over and over "Your aunt is going to die... Your aunt is going to die...." My mother had two older sisters; one lived out of state and I hadn't seen or spoken with her in years, and to the best of my knowledge was in fine health. Yet, the dream was so strong.
I called my cousin to tell her about it. She was frightened that it might be her mother. The very next morning she called to tell me that our "out of state" aunt had died the day of our conversation. So within 24 hours of my dream, as my mother stated, her sister, my aunt, was dead. When I get these messages, it is always my mother that comes to me. 
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