I am writing to tell my story and also ask a question. Can spirits follow you from an old residence to a new one? We have lived at several different addresses, and several of them have had strange occurrences take place.
Just today -- a few minutes ago to be exact -- my teenage daughter called from our apartment to say she is never going back into my bedroom. I asked why. She said she had been looking for my glasses for me because I could not find themanywhere this morning before I left for work. I had basically torn my bed apart, as I thought I fell asleep with them laying on the opposite side of the bed from me last night. I couldn't find them, so I had her come in and look.
Together we picked up pillows, searched by the bed, searched inside pillowcases... nothing. I had to leave for work, so she went back in there, searched again, picking up pillows, and left the room after finding nothing, closing the door.
She then went back in there... and my glasses were sitting on top of the pillow I slept on last night, just a bit off to one side, she said! We had moved that pillow several times! What the heck? We had a similar thing happen with my cell phone at our previous residence. Do spirits follow us around, or what?
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